english drama

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english drama

The tempest

A tale of magic, power struggles, and intrigue, The Tempest is one of Shakespeare's final plays. Reading Shakespeare Today: The Tempest explores the plot of The Tempest while considering the blend of comedic and tragic elements that make it unique. The book also demonstrates ways that the play continues to be relevant in the internet age.
Cover image of The tempest

Twelfth night

William Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night for Epiphany, the twelfth day after Christmas. The comedy features ingenious plot twists, colorful characters, and slapstick humor. Reading Shakespeare Today: Twelfth Night examines each scene of the play, Shakespeare's use of language, modern stagings, and the history behind Twelfth Night to present a comprehensive picture of this classic.
Cover image of Twelfth night

Richard III

Reading Shakespeare Today: Richard III provides a summary of Shakespeare's famous play about King Richard III's rise to power. In addition to positioning the play in contemporary popular culture, the book includes an in-depth explanation of each scene and a look at the themes of the work.
Cover image of Richard III

The tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare's supernatural tale of power-lust and the dangers of regicide; includes sections on Shakespeare's life, theater, language, and play publication, as well as textual notes, a modern perspective on the play, a guide for further reading, and a key to famous lines and phrases.
Cover image of The tragedy of Macbeth

The tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare's tragedy of prophecy and royal murder in medieval Scotland.
Cover image of The tragedy of Macbeth

Four tragedies

Presents complete, annotated texts of four Shakespeare tragedies: "Hamlet, " "Othello, " "King Lear, " and "Macbeth, " and includes scholarly essays and annotated bibliographies for each, plus a guide to memorable lines.

The tragedy of Othello

the moor of Venice

The importance of being Earnest

Jack Worthing creates a fictitious brother Earnest who lives in London to escape his dull country routine, but finds the lie backfiring when he falls in love.

The life of King Henry the Fifth

Contains the text of the play, information about Shakespeare and his theater, bibliography, key to famous lines and phrases, and explanatory notes.


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