children of immigrants

Topical Term
children of immigrants

Let's talk about when your parent doesn't speak English

Briefly describes why a person's parent may not speak English, what effect this may have on a child, and how to handle this situation.

Cuban Americans

A brief history of Cuban American immigration and ancestry along with profiles of several prominent individuals including U.S. Senator Mel Martinez, actress Cameron Diaz, and journalist Soledad O'Brien.


This anthology examines four court cases affecting immigration: United States v. Wong Kim Ark, United States v. Schneiderman, Plyler v. Doe, and Zadvydas v. Davis.


conversations with immigrant teenagers
Presents profiles of fourteen teenagers from countries around the world, revealing their struggles to fit into American society and their personal triumphs.

How to read the air

Leaving behind his marriage and job in New York, Jonas, the son of Ethiopian immigrants, sets out to retrace his mother and father's trip and weave together a family history that will take him from the war-torn Ethiopia of his parents' youth to his life in the America of today.

The namesake

A young man born of Indian parents in America struggles with issues of identity from his teens to his thirties.

The diary of Latoya Hunter

my first year in junior high
Presents the diary of twelve-year-old Latoya Hunter as she goes through her first year of junior high in the Bronx.

The new kids

big dreams and brave journeys at a high school for immigrant teens
Chronicles a year in the life of a diverse group of seniors, all recent immigrants for whom English is a second language, at the renowned International High School in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.

The diary of Latoya Hunter

my first year in junior high
Presents the diary of twelve-year-old Latoya Hunter as she goes through her first year of junior high school in the Bronx.

Immigrant children

Describes the flood of immigration into the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, focusing on the experiences of the youngest immigrants, both on their journeys and in their new country.


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