When Will Halpin transfers from his all-deaf school into a mainstream Pennsylvania high school, he faces discrimination and bullying, but still manages to solve a mystery surrounding the death of a popular football player in his class.
Sixteen-year-old Katrina's kindness to a man she finds sleeping behind her grandmother's coffeehouse leads to a strange reward as Malcolm, who is actually a teenage guardian angel, insists on rewarding her by granting her deepest wish.
High school juniors Margot and Sybil are terrified to find that classmates have been turned into zombies, but decide to use this situation to their advantage, and accomplish all the goals they set for themselves after middle school graduation.
Fifteen-year-old Andrew Zansky, the second fattest student at his high school, joins the varsity football team to get the attention of a new girl on whom he has a crush.
When Hampton High senior Jesse is cast in a reality television show along with five other, more popular students, drama on and off screen reveals that what the audience and producers want is not the same as what Jesse wants.
Freshman Suzi Clue, not one of her high school's A-list girls, decides to run for prom queen in order to solve the mystery of who is trying to sabotage the contest.
Three very different girls from the same high school are selected to be guides for a new student, but when the girl disappears, leaving behind a trail of clues, the girls must work together to solve the mystery of Amanda Valentino.
Sixteen-year-old Cass's only friends are her dead sister and the school ghosts who feed her gossip that she uses to make students face up to their bad behavior, but when a popular boy asks for her help, she begins to reach out to the living again.
Eighteen-year-old Goth Sophie Blue, sensing that something is awry in her small town, begins to piece together the connections between her missing father, a scientific researcher at a local laboratory, and her high school's football star, Kenny.
While trying to cast a love spell on her date on the eve of the senior prom, Mia inadvertently infects her entire high school class with a virus that will turn them all into zombies.