study and teaching (secondary)

Topical Term
study and teaching (secondary)

Teaching for thoughtfulness

classroom strategies to enhance intellectual development

Bring history alive!

a sourcebook for teaching world history
A resource manual created by teachers and for teachers who wish to engage in an inquiry-based approach to historical knowledge and historical understanding.

A link to the past

engaging students in the study of history


biography and autobiography in the secondary school
Provides several approaches for lesson plans, application or writing assignments, and a bibliography of suitable titles.

The literature teacher's book of lists

Includes 247 lists that may be used by literature teachers to develop instructional materials and plan lessons for secondary and college students, providing information on a variety of topics under the headings of literature, books, genres, poetry, drama, themes, periods, potpourri, and endings.

Teaching literature in middle school, fiction

Presents practical suggestions for teaching language arts in middle school while emphasizing character and theme, exploring various modes of composition in response to literature, and developing reading communities.

Teaching the writing process in high school

High school teachers discuss what techniques they have used to successfully teach their students about the writing process.

Teaching literature in high school

the novel
Presents materials aimed at familiarizing high school students with the components of the novel; offers suggestions for prompting student participation in the world of the text; features activities that connect the novel with popular media and social issues; and describes approaches to teaching specific novels.

Motivating writing in middle school

Presents practical suggestions for middle school teachers on how to motivate students to write through the use of artifacts, self-exploration, real-world writing, and peer editing, self editing, and student-teacher interaction.

Ready-to-use literature activities for grades 7-12

with techniques and ideas for using video in the classroom
Contains more than 130 ready-to-use worksheet activities designed to help students in grades seven through twelve understand different literary genres.


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