
Topical Term

Gorgeous war

the branding war between the Third Reich and the United States
Studies how the Nazis used the swastika in a modern propaganda program that preceded contemporary brand identity, and that couldn't be matched by the U.S. government. Draws on numerous examples of U.S. and Nazi military heraldry to compare graphic and textile design, and show how they impacted social and cultural design movements like modernism. Also examines how fledgling corporate culture and war production turned national brands like IBM, Coca-Cola, and Disney into multinational corporations.
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Weapons of mass deception

the uses of propaganda in Bush's war on Iraq
Media critics Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber expose the public relations machinery they claim was used by President George W. Bush and his administration in his attempts to win the support of U.S. citizens for the war against Iraq.
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World War II propaganda

analyzing the art of persuasion during wartime
An examination of political propaganda from World War II, covering history, theory, and practice of propaganda; dissemination in changing military contexts; content, style, and significance; and more.
Cover image of World War II propaganda

Picture this

World War I posters and visual culture
Contains essays that examine the significance of posters during World War I, featuring comparative readings on war poster campaigns and images, and discussing African-American propaganda posters, race and empire in French posters, images of femininity, and other topics.
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Fit men wanted

original posters from the Home Front
62 home front propaganda posters from Great Britain during World War I and II.
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Posters of the Cold War

Examines the propoganda posters from the Cold War era, and features descriptions of works done by Pablo Picasso, Peter-Paul Piech, Peter Kennard, the Cuban Poster School, and other artists.
Cover image of Posters of the Cold War

Secret warriors

the spies, scientists, and code breakers of World War I
World War I is often viewed as a war fought by armies of millions living and fighting in trenches, aided by brutal machinery that cost the lives of many. But behind all of this an intellectual war was also being fought between engineers, chemists, code-breakers, physicists, doctors, mathematicians, and intelligence gatherers. This hidden war was to make a positive and lasting contribution to how war was conducted on land, at sea, and in the air, and most importantly, life at home.

The propaganda wars

Japan vs. U.S.
An analysis of the propaganda techniques used by the United States and Japan to win the support of their citizens during World War II. (50 min.).


the art of persuasion; World War II

The posters that won the war

Gives a history of the various genres of posters for the production, recruitment and War Bonds of World War II.


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