Conrad, Pam

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Pedro's Journal

Holding me here

Fourteen-year-old Robin tries to patch up the broken home of a battered wife and in the process discovers how deeply she's been hurt by the divorce of her own parents.
Cover image of Holding me here

The tub people

The adventures of a family of wooden toys that lives on the edge of a bathtub.

Call me Ahnighito

Pedro's journal

Pedro's journal

The cabin boy on the "Santa Maria" keeps a diary which records his experiences when he sails with Columbus on his first voyage to the New World in 1492.

Prairie songs

Louisa's life in a loving pioneer family on the Nebraska prairie is altered by the arrival of a new doctor and his beautiful, tragically frail wife.

Pedro's Journal

A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493.

Seven silly circles

Nicki is embarrassed about the circles left on her face while playing around with a rubber arrow, but supportive parents and friends help her forget her problem during the fun and commotion of a leaf-raking party.


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