In this conclusion of the tale begun in "Over Sea, Under Stone," Will Stanton, the Welsh boy Bran, and the Drew children try to locate the crystal sword that alone can vanquish the strong forces of Dark.
In this conclusion of The Dark is rising sequence, Will Stanton, the Welsh boy Ryan, and the Drew children try to locate the crystal sword that alone can vanquish the strong forces of the Dark.
In this conclusion of the tale begun in "Over Sea, Under Stone," Will Stanton, the Welsh boy Bran, and the Drew children try to locate the crystal sword that alone can vanquish the strong forces of Dark.
In the Welsh hills Will Stanton, youngest of the immortal Old Ones, joins forces with Merriman, Bran, and the mortal Drew children in a quest through space and time against the powers of evil known as the Dark.
In this conclusion of the "Dark Is Rising" sequence, Will Stanton, the Welsh boy Bran, and the Drew children try to locate the crystal sword that alone can vanquish the strong forces of the Dark.
In this conclusion of the tale begun in "Over Sea, Under Stone," Will Stanton, the Welsh boy Bran, and the Drew children try to locate the crystal sword that alone can vanquish the strong forces of Dark.