Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, travel to the Mon Gazza system to take part in a Podrace that will grant them access to information about a spy network, but their mission may be jeopardized by Ahsoka's complete lack of driving experience.
Presents an examination the phenomena of unidentified flying objects and encounters with alien beings, in simple text with illustrations, and contains real-life stories from people who have allegedly seen them.
On his way to deliver Christmas presents to space colony Alpha One, Space Elf Sam crash lands on the planet Gom, where he shows the Gommers what Christmas is all about.
When nine-year-old Ben discovers that his super-hero costume allows him to see the space aliens encroaching upon his house and school, he takes bold action against them, sometimes with humorous results.
In his new book, Howie the wire-haired dachshund writes all about how the Mind Swappers from Asteroid 6 invade Earth and how he and his friend Delilah save the day.
After inviting two spacemen to stay for dinner, Shirley and Moe are asked to return with them to their planet Nextoo to cater their sister's rather large wedding.
In the middle of the night, Brian transforms himself into Captain Pajamas, Defender of the Universe, to save his older sister Jessie from attacking aliens, but they are nowhere to be found.