
Topical Term

The Ocean Book

Recounts the Genesis flood, covers four branches of oceanography.

Exploring the World of Chemistry

From Ancient Metals to High-Speed Computers
Chemistry discoveries, facts, and the discoverers bring everyday science to life and show how chemistry affects our lives.

Stars and Their Purpose

Understanding the Origin of Earth's "Nightlights"
This book discusses the purpose and features of stars through the light of God's creation.

The Astronomy Book

solar system facts, constellations, black holes, UFO's.

The Fossil Book

Learn how to start your own collection, age of fossils, origin, how to preserve, difference between evolutionists' and creationists' view on fossils.

Unwrapping the Pharohs

How Egyptian Archeology Confirms the Biblical Timeline
Supporting the biblical account of the Exodus using the chronology of the Pharaohs.

Pirate Tales

DK ELT Graded Readers
Non-fiction subjects encourage curiosity in pirates.

The Story of Troy

DK ELT Graded Readers
Non-fiction subjects encourage curiosity in the story of Troy.

At The Beach

DK Graded Readers
Non-fiction subjects encouraging curiosity regarding the Beach.

Travelling Through Time

DK ELT Graded Readers
Non-fiction subjects encourage curiostiy in History: Ancient Rome, Viking Explorers, The Renaissance, Gold Rush, World War II, Space Age.


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