human behavior

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human behavior

[Im?l f? lunnabr?y? yasrah wa yamrah!]

Follows the adventures of prankster Emil, and his family's life in Sweden.

Big Nate in a class by himself

Supremely confident middle school student Nate Wright manages to make getting detention from every one of his teachers in the same day seem like an achievement.

Big Nate blasts off

"After his fight with Randy Betancourt makes headlines in the school paper, Big Nate has a problem worse than detention on his hands."--Provided by publisher.

Big Nate in the zone

"Sixth-grader and self-proclaimed genius Nate Wright's bad luck has turned around and suddenly he can do no wrong"--Provided by publisher.

Big Nate blasts off

"After his fight with Randy Betancourt makes headlines in the school paper, Big Nate has a problem worse than detention on his hands."--Provided by publisher.

Big Nate

"Aloha can mean hello or goodbye--which makes it the perfect word for sixth grader Nate Wright. Why? Because Nate doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Will his romance with Daisy sizzle or fizzle? Will his hair survive Teddy's cut-rate barber skills? And when Nate spots a crime in progress at Klassic Komix, can he find his inner superhero?"--Provided by publisher.

David goes to school

David's activities in school include chewing gum, talking out of turn, and engaging in a food fight, causing his teacher to say over and over, "No, David!".

Big Nate lives it up

"As his school's centennial is coming up, Big Nate is stuck showing the dorky new kid around"--Provided by publisher.

The Evil Princess vs. the Brave Knight make good choices?

"Siblings Evil Princess and Brave Knight learn to make good choices"--Provided by publisher.

Night of the Veggie Monster

Every Tuesday night, while his parents try to enjoy their dinner, a boy turns into a monster the moment a pea touches his lips.


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