self-esteem in children

Topical Term
self-esteem in children

Parent talk

how to talk to your children in language that builds self-esteem and encourages responsibility
Offers parents advice on the best ways to communicate with their children, from preschool to high school, with tips to build effective and peaceful communication styles.

Self-esteem revolutions in children

Explains how parents can help their children develop a good sense of self esteem and self respect while avoiding many common traps that can make parents feel better while making their children feel worse.

Two heads are better than one

Abby is home sick when partners for the science fair are picked; when she gets back, she finds her partner is a boy. Abby has to find a way to work with him.

Let's talk about when you think nobody likes you

Explains to children what might really be happening when they feel that no one likes them, discussing hurt feelings, bad behavior, shyness, and self-esteem.

Girl talk

staying strong, feeling good, sticking together
Offers hints, clues, and suggestions which can empower girls to shape the world into the image of their own best hopes.


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