When the family health food store burns down, 12-year-old-Mitch is even more determined to win first prize in a Bakeathon with his special gingerbread.
Twelve-year-old Adam Story is challenged by the deposed ruler of Babababad and his mongoose companion to become the first youngster to travel around the world in forty days without an adult.
Jack does not always appreciate his little sister's assistance, but comes to understand why she likes helping when she needs an extra set of paws to build her entry in the Shady Woods Snowman Contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Green, a loving alligator couple, make an attempt at being detectives, enter a gumball guessing contest, and sign up for the town talent show.
Excited about holding onto his position as the best speller in the second grade, Pinky has an embarrassing accident but is cheered up by his best friend Rex.