Granowsky, Alvin

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Grow up, Peter Pan!

Includes a classic telling of the story of Peter Pan and also a retelling of the story from Captain Hook's point of view.

The sheriff speaks

After reading the traditional tale of Robin Hood, the hero who stole from the rich to give to the poor, the reader is invited to turn the book upside down and read an updated version told from the point of view of the Sheriff of Nottingham.


a classic tale
When read front to back the text retells the traditional tale of straw spun into gold, but flip the book over and upside-down for Rumpelstiltskin's side of the story.

Just a friendly old troll

Juxtaposes the traditional tale of the three billy goats that outwit a menacing troll with a retelling in which the troll tells his side of the story.

Help yourself, little red hen!

Juxtaposes the traditional tale of the little red hen whose friends would not help her bake bread with the friends' side of the story.

Friends at the end

Presents the traditional tale of the race between the tortoise and the hare from the point of view of the rabbit.

Brainy bird saves the day!

Juxtaposes the traditional tale of Henny Penny and her friends with a retelling in which the animals' more careful analysis of the situation helps them avoid a sad ending.

Slow and fast

Describes the attributes of "fast" and "slow," presenting examples of each in color photos and illustrations, and showing related movements such as spinning and falling.

Bears should share!

Juxtaposes the traditional tale of the three bears' discovery that Goldilocks has been in their house eating their porridge and using their furniture with Goldilocks' side of the story.


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