Steck-Vaughn point of view stories

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The Unfairest of Them All

Presents the classic story of Snow White, a young woman whose beauty drives her stepmother to attempt to kill her; and includes an additional tale in which the stepmother gets to tell her side of the story.

Grow up, Peter Pan!

Includes a classic telling of the story of Peter Pan and also a retelling of the story from Captain Hook's point of view.

The sheriff speaks

After reading the traditional tale of Robin Hood, the hero who stole from the rich to give to the poor, the reader is invited to turn the book upside down and read an updated version told from the point of view of the Sheriff of Nottingham.


a classic tale
When read front to back the text retells the traditional tale of straw spun into gold, but flip the book over and upside-down for Rumpelstiltskin's side of the story.

A deal is a deal

Contains two versions of the classic fairy tale "Rumplestiltskin" one from the point of view of the miller's daughter and one from the point of view of Rumplestiltskin.

That awful Cinderella

Contains the classic fairy tale of Cinderella, entitled "Cinderella--a classic tale," along with a retelling, entitled "That awful Cinderella," which is written from the point of view of her Cinderella's stepsister.
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