
Geographic Name

James Madison

Contains key facts about the life of James Madison from his childhood to his death, focusing on his political career and his term as the fourth president of the United States. Includes a timeline, information on the office of the president, and resources for further study.
Cover image of James Madison

Wars at home (1812-1820)

Provides a cultural and historical context for the development of the United States from 1812 to 1820, and includes the War of 1812, Florida, America's growing pains, and more.

History of the United States of America during the administrations of James Madison

Describes the political, social, and economic events which shaped the history of the United States during the presidential administration of James Madison.

James Madison's presidency

Presents the life of James Madison with particular focus on the history, accomplishments, and legacy of his presidency.

Dolley Madison

As wife of the fourth U.S. president, Dolley Madison did "more than just about anyone to establish Washington, DC, as a real capital city, equal to the capitals in Europe.".

James Madison

An examination of the life of President James Madison and his influence on America.

James & Dolley Madison

America's first power couple
Using newly uncovered troves of letters at the University of Virginia, Chadwick has been able to reconstruct the details of the Madisons' personal and political lives. Dolley, through her many social skills, created the dynamic role of First Lady that we know today. Their letters show Madison not as a boring, average president--as some historians have maintained--but as a vibrant, tough leader, a very successful commander in chief who changed America. These documents also help to paint a searing portrait of the Madisons' struggles with their irresponsible son.


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