great plains

Topical Term
great plains

Crazy Horse

Examines the life of Crazy Horse, the Sioux leader who led the charge against Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn.

The Sioux

Chronicles the history of the Sioux people of the upper midwest and Great Plains regions of the U.S., looks at the lives of modern-day Sioux, and includes a recipe and resources for further study.

Dakota dream

After being shuttled between foster homes and institutions for most of his life, fifteen-year-old Floyd Rayfield escapes from a mental institution to a Sioux reservation, desperately seeking a family and a home.

Little house on the prairie

A family travels from the big woods of Wisconsin to a new home on the prairie, where they build a house, meet neighboring Indians, build a well, and fight a prairie fire.


A discussion of the history, culture, and contemporary life of the Cheyenne Indians.

The flight of Red Bird

the life of Zitkala-Sa
Chronicles, through her own reminiscences, letters, speeches, and stories, the experiences of the Yankton Indian woman whose life spanned the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century.

Plains Indian wars

Presents a chronicle of the Plains Indian Wars, looking at events that led to the conflict between Native Americans and the U.S. government, and examining the war's objectives and strategies, weapons and tactics, and notable combatants and civilians.

Little Bighorn

June 25, 1876
Presents an illustrated history of the Battle of Little Bighorn and includes archaeological evidence, a timeline, and glossary.

The dust bowl

Discusses the Dust Bowl era of the 1930s when dust storms raged across the heartland of the United States, causing damage that reached from North Dakota to Texas, explains how a combination of bad farming practices and drought caused the deadly conditions, and looks at how people and the government responded to the crisis.


Examines the government, religion, social structures, arts, and culture of the Sioux people in the twenty-first century; discusses the tribe's history, legends, contributions to the world, and plans for the future; and includes quotations, sidebars, and illustrations.


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