Violet Paz, a Chicago high school student, reluctantly prepares for her upcoming "quince, " a Spanish nickname for the celebration of an Hispanic girl's fifteenth birthday.
Eagerly anticipating her Quincea?era, the fifteenth birthday celebration that will signify her adulthood, Marisol is troubled by a lack of money, her mother's new boyfriend, changes in her best friend, and the absence of the father she never knew.
Explores a Latina girl's coming of age ceremony, discussing the origins and cultural importance of a quincea?era and providing insight into the financial and social implications of a quince party.
Violet Paz, a Chicago high school student, reluctantly prepares for her upcoming "quince," a Spanish nickname for the celebration of an Hispanic girl's fifteenth birthday.
Focuses on describing the celebration of this rite of passage in the life of a specific Mexican American girl, while also presenting historical background for the occasion.