Remarque, Erich Maria

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All quiet on the western front

Depicts the experiences of a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the last days of World War I.

All quiet on the western front

Tragic tale of a group of German recruits during World War I, whose patriotism soon turns to disillusionment.

All quiet on the western front

Depicts the experiences of a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the last days of World War I.

All quiet on the western front

Depicts the experiences of a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the last days of World War I.

All quiet on the Western front

All quiet on the Western front

Depicts the experiences of a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the last days of World War I.

All Quiet on the Western Front

All quiet on the western front

When twenty-year-old Paul Baumer and his classmates enlist in the German army during World War I, they are full of youthful enthusiam. But the world of duty, culture, and progress they had been taught to believe in shatters under the first brutal bombardment in the trenches. Through the ensuing years of horror, Paul holds fast to a single vow: to fight against the principle of hate that meaninglessly pits young men of the same generation but different uniforms against one another.
Cover image of All quiet on the western front

All quiet on the western front

All Quiet on the Western Front


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