After playing with a new human friend, Scary Fright begins behaving strangely--choosing a kitten for a pet, developing a taste for pizza, and drawing rainbows on her wall.
The rooms and furnishings of the White House are featured through the story of Woodrow G. Washingtail, a mouse who is elected President of the United Mice of America and moves into the historic mansion along with the people's president.
Nine-year-old Patrick promises his buddies that his baseball hero will come to their playground in Hell's Kitchen, bat for him, and chase the Copperheads out.
When he decides to turn his fifth-grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that quickly moves beyond his control.
While traveling to visit her mother in the Arctic a California girl learns the meaning of hardship and survival when she is taken in by an Inuit family.
A gang that uses parties as a cover for robberies victimizes a masquerade party Nancy is attending, so the teenage detective switches identities with a friend to solve the case.