quotations, american

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quotations, american

Words from a fearless heart

a collection of wit, wisdom, and whimsy

The New York Public Library book of twentieth-century American quotations

An informative guide to who said, what, when, and where in twentieth century America.

Six-word memoirs on love & heartbreak

Collects reflections on love and heartbreak from the famous and ordinary contributors to "Smith Magazine, " told in six words.

Words of the Founding Fathers

selected quotations of Franklin, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, with sources
"This text collects quotations, passages and documents attributed to America's six essential founders. Topics covered include liberty, religion, revolution, Republican government, the Constitution, education, commerce, class, war and peace, and the disenfranchised (slaves, Native Americans, and women). Each of the book's quotations are sourced and quoted so that the reader is able to discern historical and philosophical contexts"--Publisher.

The wit and wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

From the thousands of anecdotes and stories by and about Abraham Lincoln, Anthony Gross has selected the best and most revealing. Arranged chronologically, the book follows Lincoln's career from his early years, through his law career and his time as President.

The quotable American Civil War

Collects quotations from the presidents, leaders, generals, soldiers, and other people during the American Civil War.

The wit and wisdom of Mark Twain

a book of quotations
A collection of statements by American author Mark Twain, drawn from his novels, speeches, short essays, notebooks, and letters.


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