Gatchel, Bob

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Interrelationship of the body systems

Presents an introduction to the different systems of the body and how they work together to allow humans to successfully perform daily activities.

The brain & the nervous system

Examines the basic anatomy of the brain and nervous system, looks at their structure and function, describes the conditions that can affect them, and offers tips on how to keep the body healthy.

The brain & the nervous system

Explores the functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, how the environment stimulates the senses, and how neurons transmit electrical impulses throughout the body.


Describes the parts of a cell, how the various organelles work together to keep a cell functioning,and discusses cell specialization and mitosis; and includes a hands-on demonstration of how a selective membrane works.

Genes & heredity

Explains how genes determine traits such as eye color and height and how traits are passed from parents to children, discussing chromosomes, DNA, dominant and recessive traits, meiosis, and mutations, and includes an experiment on the DNA of peas.

Interrelationship of the body systems

Presents an overview of how the various systems of the human are interconnected to form one large system, explaining how cells, tissues, and organs each perform their own specialized job.

Reproductive & endocrine systems

Provides an introduction to the male and female reproductive and endocrine systems, discussing growth, puberty, sexual maturity, the production of sex cells, and the process of fertilization.


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