alcohol use

Topical Term
alcohol use

Celebrity drug use

Explores how the use of licit or illicit drugs and alcohol damaged the careers, reputations, and health of personalities in music, television, theatre, politics, and comedy.

Bailey: on my own

Bailey's drinking has gotten out of control during his first year away at college.

Alcohol, teenage drinking

Examines the history, effects, and medical and legal aspects of alcohol use and abuse.

Alcohol and you

Discusses teenage drinking, its causes and effects, and how one can get help to overcome the habit.


Explores the history of alcohol, discusses its physiological effects on the body, examines why people use it and underage drinking, and offers advice on prevention and treatment of alcohol abuse.

Drugs and your friends

Discusses peer pressure and drug use and the importance of making the right choice.

A six-pack and a fake I.D.

teens look at the drinking question
Discusses the role of drinking in our society, the various reasons people drink, the physiological effects of alcoholic beverages, popular misconceptions about alcohol, the differences between drunkenness and alcoholism, and other aspects of the issue about which teenagers need to make an informed decision.

The truth about alcohol

This book presents information on binge drinking, the prevalence of drinking on college campuses, drunk driving, underage drinking, dealing with alcohol abuse in the family, seeking help and treatment, and more.

Wrongs of passage

fraternities, sororities, hazing, and binge drinking
Explores the problems of hazing and binge drinking at fraternities and sororities on American college campuses, telling the stories of some of the young people who have been seriously injured or died as a result of such behaviors; and offers a list of recommendations for reform.


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