Eliopoulos, Chris

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The giggles are coming

"A couple of friends can't keep from laughing during the first day of school and are worried what their teacher will think if they can't avoid the giggles in the middle of class"--Provided by publisher.

A little emotional

When his favorite toy goes missing, Tommy experiences a wide range of emotions, including happiness, worry and full-blown anger, and wonders what it will take to get them under control.

Monster mayhem

"Science-obsessed Zoe finds herself trapped in one of her favorite monster movies and needs to invent her way out of a disaster while also saving the monster who has become her friend"--Provided by publisher.

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers assemble to sniff out the Infinity Gems, six powerful gems that, once united, can bring the universe to its knees, before the super-powered Thanos finds them and uses their power for his own evil plans.
Cover image of Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers

Monster mayhem

"Science-obsessed Zoe finds herself trapped in one of her favorite monster movies and needs to invent her way out of a disaster while also saving the monster who has become her friend"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Monster mayhem

A perfect fit

Mr. Puzzle rescues Busyville's citizens from a terrible traffic jam, a haunted middle school, a muddy monster laughing in a laundromat, and a thief with sticky glue hands.

Mr. Puzzle does a great job

Mr. Puzzle is back, protecting Busyville from a zombie rock band and many other weird threats.

Cosmic commandos

"A pair of different-as-can-be twin brothers accidentally bring their favorite video game to life, and must now find a way to work together to defeat it"--OCLC.

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers

Collects no. 1-4 of the Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers series featuring a teleporting dog and his animal friends.

Mr. Puzzle

piece by piece
Mr. Puzzle uses his puzzle powers to protect Busyville from a lizard gang, an alley cat, a wild scientist, and an intergalactic alien.


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