Hyneman, Jamie

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Mythbusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman investigate urban legends, including if a child be lifted off the ground by helium balloons and if ping pong balls can be used to raise a sunken ship.


Mythbusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman conduct experiments to determine if there is any truth or scientific basis to various myths related to combustion, including the myth that cell phones can cause gas stations to explode.


A collection of 12 episodes of the "MythBusters", in which hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage debunk and demystify common urban legends, such as contagious yawning, cell phones exploding gas stations, dropping a penny off a building, and cooling a six-pack.


A collection of 12 episodes of the "MythBusters," in which hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage debunk and demystify common urban legends.

Chemical changes

Mythbusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman conduct experiments to determine if there is any truth or scientific basis to various myths related to chemical changes, focusing on ten myths about the different uses of cola.


From gadgets that give superheroes incredible powers to the enduring controversy over the NASA moon landing, the MythBusters' have a great time testing out urban legends, exposing fakery and trying TV and movie tricks themselves.


A collection of thirteen episodes of "MythBusters," in which hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage debunk and demystify common urban legends, including "Helium Football," "Bullets Fired Up," "Killer Whirlpool," "Crimes and Myth-deameanors 2," "Deadly Straw," "Earthquake Machine," "Diet Coke and Mentos," "Anti-Gravity Device," "Firearms Folklore," and other episodes.

Water displacement

Even seasoned sailors believe that the force created by a sinking boat is strong enough to pull a person down with the ship. Learn more about water displacement when the MythBusters sink the Myth Tanic.

Myths about motion

Does running through the rain keep you ddrier than walking? The MythBusters investigate to see if this theory is all wet.


The MythBusters answer a question that many people have asked themselves at the breakfast table: If you drop a piece of buttered toast, is it more likely to land buttered-side up or buttered-sid down? With the help of a mechanical toast dropper and statistical analysis, Adam and Jamie find the answer.


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