Still trapped in the Ever After, ten-year-old May Bird struggles to decide whether to save the world of her ghostly friends from the evil Bo Cleevil or to return to her West Virginia home.
While attending a strict academy for potential princesses with the other girls from her mountain village, fourteen-year-old Miri discovers unexpected talents and connections to her homeland.
Each of four girls knows what it feels like to be different, and as they become friends, they discover something important about themselves and each other.
When told to draw a jungle in art class, Regina experiences feelings of failure and creative insecurity, but manages to create a beautiful picture that's all her own.
When a sculpture commemorating the pioneer spirit is finally unveiled, the subject matter amazes everyone in town, even the young visitor from England who has been dazzling the local girls.
allergic to dead bodies, funerals, and other fatal circumstances
Look, Lenore
A fearful second grader in Concord, Massachusetts, learns about death when his grandfather's best friend passes away and he offers to accompany his grandfather to the funeral.