concentration camps

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concentration camps

Adolf Hitler

The one person at whose feet the blame for both the Holocaust and World War II can be laid is Adolf Hitler. Readers will learn how Hitler rose to power and the horrific ways that he made use of that power once he had accumulated it. This biography discusses Hitler’s role in the so-called Final Solution and also touches on the impact Hitler still has today. It offers a wealth of detail about the various stages of the F?uhrer’s life and examines the influence he had on both those in his inner circle and the German public at large. Understanding a despicable person may not be inspiring, but that does not mean it’s not worthwhile.

Adolf Eichmann

This biography of one of the key figures of the Jewish Holocaust is important for understanding the details that led to one of the most grisly periods of human history, as well as for those looking to bear witness to the Holocaust. The biography details Eichmann’s life as a young man, how he moved up the ranks within the Nazi regime, and his eventual self-exile to Argentina, where he hid until he was discovered and brought to trial for his crimes.

Home fronts

This book looks at World War 2 from the home front and presents a balanced and chronological examination of what happened, and at the non-fighting home front. Telling stories from the perspective of soldiers, generals, nurses, politicians and civilians and as well as presenting the clash in a context that resonates even today, this story is an examination of a culture through its art, its citizens and those not on the front lines.

The enormous room

A memoir of Edward E. Cummings's four-month imprisonment in a French detention center as an alleged spy where he endures terrible conditions and meets up with the most deprived of all the immigrants.

The internment of Japanese Americans in United States History

The loyalty of Japanese Americans was questioned after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, simply because of their ancestry. Author David K. Fremon looks at the events behind this unfortunate episode from American history, highlighting the personal accounts of many Japanese Americans who were forced to live through this difficult time.

Hitler's final solution

Between 1938 and 1945 the Nazi regime, as part of Hitler's Final Solution, murdered more than 6 million Jews. This title discusses the atrocities committed.

Let the celebrations begin!

[a story of hope for the liberation]
A Jewish child, who remembers his home before life in a concentration camp, makes toys with the women to give to the other children at the very special party they are going to have when the soldiers arrive to liberate the camp.

The last days of Maximilian Kolbe

He offered his life in place of another man condemned to death and in so doing became a martyr to the truth.

The Auschwitz album

the story of a transport
This album is unique: there is not a similar album of its kind in the whole world. It documents, in about two hundred photos from every direction and from every angle, the process of arrival, the enlisting, the selection, the confiscation of property and the preparation for the physical liquidation of a Jewish transport. The most surprising and striking fact is that the Album fell into the hands of a survivor of that same death transport.


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