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An illustrated overview of military life that provides information on training, intelligence, weaponry, troops, prisoners of war, guerrilla fighting, and more. Includes clip-art CD.


Leviathan, Book 1
In an alternate 1914 Europe, fifteen-year-old Austrian Prince Alek, on the run from the Clanker Powers who are attempting to take over the globe using mechanical machinery, forms an uneasy alliance with Deryn who, disguised as a boy to join the British Air Service, is learning to fly genetically-engineered beasts.

Seeing Redd

The Looking Glass Wars, Book 2
Alyss Heart returns to her rightful place on the throne of Wonderland and is put to the test as enemies inside and outside her queendom push their own agendas and wield horrific weapons, while she strives to unify them all.

Dershowitz on killing

how the law decides who shall live and who shall die
Examines the intersection of life, death, and the American legal system, exploring how the legal system in many cases decides who lives or dies. More broadly, the author employs moral, philosophical, cultural, and religious lenses to show how the government plays a role in who is killed and who lives in wars, executions, deadly force authorization, legalizing or making abortion illegal, and allowing or denying asylum for refugees. Notes the difference between a legal "right" versus a human interest, and argues that laws that decide whether someone lives or dies should honor the irreversibility of death.

El ?lamo

?Sab?as que Davy Crockett fue uno de los hombres que luch? contra los mexicanos en el Alamo? El Alamo fue originalmente una misi?n, pero m?s tarde se convirti? en el lugar de una batalla importante. Obt?n m?s informaci?n sobre este fascinante s?mbolo.

Veterans Day

Young readers will explore the special cultural celebrations that are held throughout the United States.

Native American rivalries

Long before Europeans arrived in the Americas, Native Americans maintained bitter rivalries and from time to time shed one another's blood. Native American warfare took different forms and was fought for different reasons.

Migrants and refugees

Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants.

Amazons vs. gladiators

Looks at Amazons and gladiators and which could win in a fight.

Lord of the nutcracker men

An English boy during World War I comes to believe that the battles he enacts with his toy soldiers control the war his father is fighting on the front.


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