
Topical Term

The magic of dreams!

Asha and her friends have big dreams.

Call the name of the night

Mira meets Cappy, Rei's fluffy stuffed goat friend and becomes entranced by his stories of mysterious objects.

Las estrellas

?Sab?as que la gente puede ver unas 2.000 estrellas usando s?lo sus ojos? Las estrellas m?s calientes son azules.


Explores stars, their appearance, and how their patterns can be predicted.

Earth and the Sun

Readers learn about the Sun, including its movement and composition.

Earth and the stars

Readers learn about stars, including their movement and composition.

Black holes

Readers learn facts about black holes.


Did you know that galaxies are huge groups of stars? There are three different kinds of galaxies. Find out more about these space objects in Galaxies, part of the Deep in Space series.


A little moth loves watching the stars but is afraid of the dark, and he makes friends with some other creatures who are also afraid of the dark. But when they realize they are in danger, the moth finds a way to protect his friends and face his fears.

How the universe works

Discusses the creation of planets and explores the planets of the Milky Way as well as other planets in the universe.


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