Jordan, William C.

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Dictionary of the Middle Ages

Contains alphabetically arranged articles that provide information about various aspects of life in the Middle Ages, from A.D. 500 to 1500, covering a geographic area that includes the Latin West, the Slavic World, Asia Minor, the lands of the caliphate in the East, and the Muslim-Christian areas of North Africa.

The Middle Ages

an encyclopedia for students
An encyclopedia of the Middle Ages for students, containing alphabetically-arranged entries that address significant facets of medieval life; examine important people, places, events, and works; and discuss a wide range of related topics, such as agriculture, schools, and feudalism.

The great famine

northern Europe in the early fourteenth century
Traces the causes of the Great Famine that afflicted Northern Europe in the early fourteenth century, offering a perspective of what daily life was like for people living in the countries affected by the crisis.

Europe in the high Middle Ages

Chronicles the High Middle Ages, examining the cultural and political strides made in this period before Europe was overtaken by famine, plague, and war in the fourteenth century.

The Middle Ages

a Watts guide for children
A guide to the Middle Ages, discussing events, people, and practices around the world from 500 to 1500.
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