new york

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new york

Pounding the rock

basketball dreams and real life in a Bronx high school
Cover image of Pounding the rock

The crooked branch

a novel
After the birth of her daughter, Majella discovers the diary of her ancestor Ginny who tells a story of murder when Ginny had fled the famine of her country and settled in New York, and Majella sets out to explore Ginny's past, where she discovers the truth of her family.

Saving Central Park

a history and a memoir
"The story of how one woman's long love affair with New York's Central Park led her to a job in which she was able to organize the rescue of the park from its serious decline in the 1970s, returning it to the beautiful place of recreational opportunity and spiritual sustenance it is today. Interwoven into her own story is a comprehensive history of Central Park: its design and construction as a scenic masterpiece; the alterations of each succeeding era; the addition of numerous facilities for sports and play; and finally the 'anything goes phase' of the 1960s and 70s, which was often fun but almost destroyed the park. The two narratives continue to entwine as she finds a job in the administration of Central Park, founds the Central Park Conservancy, and transforms both the park and herself"--Provided by publisher.


handbook for an urban revolution
"As New York City's transportation commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan ... transformed the streets of one of the worlds greatest, toughest cities into dynamic spaces safe for pedestrians and bikers... Breaking the street into its component parts, 'Streetfight' demonstrates, with step-by-step visuals, how to rewrite the underlying source code of a street, with pointers on how to add protected bike paths, improve crosswalk space, and provide visual cues to reduce speeding..."--Provided by publisher.

Signs of hope

messages from subway therapy
"In the days and weeks after the 2016 presidential election, Matthew Chavez showed up in the subway with stacks of brightly colored sticky notes. "Express yourself," he told passersby. The response was electric. Calling himself "Levee"--one who supports the city's emotional tide--Chavez turned an underground maze into a communal art space known as Subway Therapy. News and social media feeds around the world filled with images of this ever-changing, ever-growing wall of remembrances, messages of love, and fierce calls to action. And its spirit was catching. Thousands picked up the mantle to create Subway Therapy walls in cities across the country--San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Boston, Washington, D.C.--and internationally as well. Signs of Hope is Chavez's tribute to Subway Therapy, showcasing the most inspired and most inspiring of the thousands of 3 x 3 inch notes. Individually these brave and funny and emotional "posts" bring the personal and momentary into the open. Together, they show us a vision of inclusivity and hope."

The Barbizon

the hotel that set women free
" . . .tells the story of New York's most glamorous women-only hotel, and the women-both famous and ordinary-who passed through its doors. World War I had liberated women from home and hearth, setting them on the path to political enfranchisement and gainful employment. Arriving in New York to work in the dazzling new skyscrapers, they did not want to stay in uncomfortable boarding houses; they wanted what men already had-exclusive residential hotels that catered to their needs, with daily maid service, cultural programs, workout rooms, and private dining. The Barbizon would become the most famous residential hotel of them all, welcoming everyone from aspiring actresses, dancers, and fashion models to seamstresses, secretaries, and nurses"--Provided by publisher.


a journey around Manhattan
Phillip Lopate offers a unique view of the Manhattan shoreline through a series of exploratory walks, describing the buildings, people, architecture, and landmarks along the way and exploring the political, social, and economic factors that shaped them.

New York Knicks

"Discover the New York Knicks' powerhouse players and biggest moments through . . . text and . . . infographics"--Provided by publisher.

Gracias, el pavo de Thanksgiving

Trouble ensues when Papa gets Miguel a turkey to fatten up for Thanksgiving and Miguel develops an attachment to it.


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