During the 1950s, young Maggie struggles to will her beloved Brooklyn Dodgers to a victory in the World Series and wishes that her friend Jim, a soldier in Korea, would answer her letters.
Describes the planning, construction, and history of the Brooklyn Bridge, celebrated as one of the greatest landmarks and grandest sights of New York City.
the diary of Zipporah Feldman, a Jewish immigrant girl
Lasky, Kathryn
Twelve-year-old Zippy, a Jewish immigrant from Russia, keeps a diary account of the first eighteen months of her family's life on the Lower East Side of New York City in 1903-1904.
Sixteen-year-old Rose Nolan arrives on Ellis Island in 1911 in the hopes of starting a new life, but after most of her family is sent back to Ireland, she must find her own way in a new country and fend for herself and her younger sister.
Tells the true story of two red-tailed hawks, Pale Male and Lola, who made their home atop an apartment building in New York City and sparked a protest by those who loved them when the apartment board had their eight-foot-wide nest cleared away.