nuclear energy

Topical Term
nuclear energy

Brighter than a thousand suns

a personal history of the atomic scientists
A narrative account of the scientists who discovered that nuclear fission was possible and then became morally concerned about its implications.

Atoms and energy

Discusses the structure of the atom and its role in the production of nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy

Discusses nuclear energy, its production, use, and risks involved in its utilization.

How did we find out about nuclear power?

Traces the work of many scientists over more than one hundred years in developing man's knowledge of nuclear power.

Nuclear energy

Surveys the methods, history, advantages, disadvantages, and future of nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy

This book explores the pros and cons of issues such as nuclear waste, and the potential for accidents, proliferation, and economic costs when considering nuclear energy as an answer to Earth's environmental crisis.

The atomic bomb

Contains source documents and illustrations that provide information about the atomic bomb, covering the development of the bomb, the decision to use the bomb against Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the historical debate, and the response to the bomb. Includes critical-thinking questions.

Nuclear power

the study of quarks and sparks
Chronicles developments and discusses issues in the history of nuclear research, covering such topics as atomic structure, the race to develop nuclear weapons, and the beginnings and evolution of nuclear power generation.

The Ezekiel option

An era of peace and prosperity around the world is threatened when a dangerous dictator rises to power in Russia and forms an alliance with Iran which has embarked on an aggressive nuclear power program, prompting Dr. Eliezer Mordechai, former head of the Mossad and now a Christian, to prepare a Bible-based brief that prophesizes the apocalypse.

Nuclear meltdowns

Maps, a timeline, and photos help provide an overview of nuclear meltdowns around the world throughout history and explain the causes of a nuclear meltdown, the dangers they pose, and the benefits of nuclear energy.


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