human reproduction

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human reproduction

Your growing body and remarkable reproductive system

find out how your body works!
"Why are the first years of learning so important? What happens at puberty, and how is it different for boys and girls? Your Growing Body and Remarkable Reproductive System is a frank and sensitive journey through the body's developmental stages: how we are born, grow, and age. Every spread opens with an amazing science fact about the human body, then goes on to explain the science behind the fact. Detailed diagrams and amazing images illustrate the lively text"--From the publisher's web site.

Life's greatest miracle

Medical photography, Lennet Nilsson
From conception to birth. Also, computer animation reveals the inner workings of cells inside the embyro, as master control genes switch on and off, orchestrating each crucial step in a baby's development.

Making babies

an open family book for parents and children together
Photographs and brief text introduce general concepts of human reproduction. A separate text for adults provides more specific detail and suggestions for discussing the subject with children.

The reproductive system

Discusses aspects of reproduction, including heredity, pregnancy, and contraception, and explains the stages of growth from fertilization to birth.

How life begins

the science of life in the womb
Explores the first nine months of life inside the womb, discussing what has been learned about developing babies with the advent of ultrasound and other advanced medical technologies.


An introduction to sexual and asexual reproduction, with terms and definitions, human development, life cycles, aging and diseases, as well as questions and answers.

El milagro de la vida

Presents an introduction to the human reproductive system, tracing the development of a fetus from conception, pregnancy, and birth. Includes illustrations.

Life's greatest miracle

Uses the microimagery of Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson to track human development from embryo to newborn. Looks at the latest advances in human understanding of fertilization as well as embryonic and fetal development.

Contraception & pregnancy

Provides information for teenagers about contraception and pregnancy.

Inside mom

an illustrated account of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth
Explains in text and illustrations the birth cycle from conception to the birth of the baby and discusses the physical and social aspects of this process.


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