officials and employees

Geographic Name
officials and employees

The presidents encyclopedia

"Offers an in-depth look at each US president and how he has shaped history. The text discusses both successes and struggles of each US president, plus information about their Cabinet members, Supreme Court appointments, and more"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The presidents encyclopedia

What does an officeholder do?

Explores the jobs of officeholders from every level of the government.

Notes from underground

The passionate confessions of a suffering man who identifies himself as sick and spiteful.

Facts on File encyclopedia of Black women in America

Provides an overview of the history of African-American women in law and government; features alphabetically-arranged profiles of individuals and organizations that have contributed to the fields; and includes photographs, as well as a chronology of events.
Cover image of Facts on File encyclopedia of Black women in America

The dry

Federal Agent Aaron Falk finds himself swept up in his past after attending the funeral of his best friend.
Cover image of The dry

The doomsday machine

confessions of a nuclear war planner
The former defense analyst who revealed the Pentagon Papers offers an eyewitness account of America's nuclear program in the 1960s and reveals the dangers in the country's seventy-year-long nuclear policy.
Cover image of The doomsday machine

Notes from underground

The passionate confessions of a suffering man who identifies himself as sick and spiteful.

The dry

Federal Agent Aaron Falk finds himself swept up in his past after attending the funeral of his best friend.

Me llaman h?eroe

recuerdos de mi juventud
Daniel Hernandez Jr. describes the accomplishments of his young life, including going to U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords' aid when she was shot in 2011. Presented in Spanish.


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