Our Bodies

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Our Bodies

Inlcudes chapters on the following: Why aren't girls' bodies the same as boys'? - Why do babies cry all the time? - What is a bellybutton? - Why does our head have so much hair? - Whey does our hair turn gray? - Why do we get a lump when we bump our head? - Did you know that our eyes always have tears in them? - How do glasses help us see? - Whey are our eyes set aprt? - Whey do we have two ears? - Why do we get carsick or seasick? - How do our ears work? - Why do our ears pop when we go into a tunnel? - Why does our nose run? - What happens when we lose a tooth? - Why do we get cavities? - Where does our voice come from? - What is a uvula? - Why do we cough and sneeze when we catch cold? - How many bones are there in our body? - Why do we get hungry? - Why do foods taste different? - Why does our stomach ache if we play right after eating? - Why do we gain weight? - Why do we make fingerprints? - Why do our nails grow? - Why does our skin wrinkle when we take a bath? - Why do we sweat when we get hot? - Why do we shiver when we are cold? - Why do we get sunburned or tanned? - Why do we have moles? - Why do we pant when we run? - Why do we get hiccups? - Why do our legs go to sleep if we sit on them? - Why are we ticklish? - Why do we yawn? - Why do we get sleepy at night? - Why do we have dreams? - What is it?.
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