Rogers, Jean

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Cooking with the healthful herbs

over 300 no-salt ways to great taste and better health

King Island Christmas

Eskimos help a priest stranded on a freighter in the Bering Sea to reach their island village in time to celebrate Christmas.

Prevention's cooking for good health

easy recipes for low-fat living
Offers a variety of recipes for foods that are all light on fat, sodium, cholesterol and calories.

Goodbye, my island

Twelve-year-old Esther Atoolik tells of the last winter her people spent on King Island, Alaska, in the early 1960's.

Goodbye, my island

Twelve-year-old Esther Atoolik tells of the last winter her people spent on King Island, Alaska, in the early 1960's.

Raymond's best summer

Raymond's boring summer becomes exciting as he learns how to swim and helps the police catch a gang of thieves burglarizing the neighborhood.

King Island Christmas

Eskimos help a priest stranded on a freighter in the Bering Sea to reach their island village in time to celebrate Christmas.

The secret moose

A young boy living in Alaska develops an interest in moose and their habits after he sees a moose in his backyard and decides to follow it.

Runaway mittens

Pica's mittens are always turning up in strange places, but when he finds them keeping the newborn puppies warm in their box, he decides to leave them where they are until spring.

Dinosaurs are 568

Raymond does not want to start going to school, but once there he experiences the excitement of giving book reports, learning about dinosaurs and whales, taking part in a play, and writing a publisher about a mistake he finds in a reference book.
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