aggressiveness in children

Topical Term
aggressiveness in children

Raising your spirited child

a guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, energetic

Odd girl speaks out

girls write about bullies, cliques, popularity, and jealousy
A collection of writings in which girls discuss their own experiences of being bullied or bullying other girls.

Odd girl out

the hidden culture of aggression in girls
Explores the issues surrounding aggression in girls, discussing why the signs of aggression are harder to recognize in girls than boys, how parents can help their daughter's deal with aggression, and the negative impact aggression can have on teenage girls' lives.

Bully-proofing your school

working with victims and bullies

Odd girl out

the hidden culture of aggression in girls
Explores the issues surrounding aggression in girls, discussing why the signs of aggression are harder to recognize in girls than boys, how parents can help their daughter's deal with aggression, the negative impact aggression can have on teenage girls' lives, and the growing problems related to cyberbullying.

The bullying prevention handbook

a guide for principals, teachers, and counselors
Presents a comprehensive manual for principals, teachers, and counselors on understanding, preventing, and reducing the amount of bullying that plagues many schools and contains a number of strategies and tools to help all professionals.

Bullying at school

what we know and what we can do
Presents an overview of what is known about the causes and consequences of bullying at school, describes an intervention program designed to address and counteract the problem, discusses the positive effects of the program as evaluated over a two-year period in forty-two schools in Bergen, Norway, and offers practical advice on implementing the intervention program.

School violence

fears versus facts
Examines nineteen myths and misconceptions about youth violence in schools that discusses how fear has resulted in misguided school programs and policies; and provides suggestions, based on case studies, for more effective school-based violence protection programs and mental health services.

How to deal with fighting

Offers advice to kids on how to deal with fighting, explaining that everyone disagrees, describing different types of fights, and discussing ways to settle disagreements.

Angry kids, frustrated parents

practical ways to prevent and reduce aggression in your children
"This book has two goals: 1) to help parents recognize aggressive behavior in their children and act before it becomes a problem, and 2) to show parents how they can teach their children to stop using negative aggressive behaviors and learn new positive behaviors"--P. 3.


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