Harris, Trudier

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Afro-American writers, 1940-1955

Profiles more than twenty significant African-American writers from the period 1940-55, presenting primary and secondary bibliographies and illustrated biographical essays that chronicle each writer's career in detail.

Afro-American writers before the Harlem renaissance

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide career biographies of thirty-three African-American writers active before the Harlem Renaissance; each with a list of principal works and a bibliography.

Black women in the fiction of James Baldwin

Explores how African-American women have been portrayed in the writings of James Baldwin, discussing how his development of female characters has progressed throughout his thirty-year career.

Afro-American writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide career biographies of thirty-four African-American writers active between the Harlem Renaissance and 1940; each with a list of principal works and a bibliography.
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