war horses

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war horses

War Horse

World War I has started and the military needs horses to move equipment, charge the enemy, and carry wounded soldiers off the battlefield. Joey, a farm horse is sold to the Army. Joey misses the farmer's son, Albert, and spends the war years wondering if the war will ever end and if he will ever see Albert again.


In a mid-ninth-century Bedouin camp in the Arabian Desert, a horse is born to a prized Arabian war mare who dies during the birth, and the foal is raised with dreams of continuing her mother's glory as a war mare. Includes facts about Arabian horses and their importance to Bedouin tribes.

Horses, donkeys, and mules in the Marines

Discusses how the United States military have trained and used horses, donkeys, and mules to transport equipment and ammunition in the past and the present.

All their names were Courage

a novel of the Civil War
In 1862, as William Burd fights in the Civil War, he exchanges letters with his sister, Sallie, who is also writing to Confederate and Union generals asking about their horses in order to write a book.


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