Davis, Kenneth C

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Don't know much about history

everything you need to know about American history, but never learned
A revised, updated, and expanded edition of the classic anti-textbook uses a question-and-answer format to offer a chronological, informal introduction to American history.

George Washington

Examines the childhood and youth, education, early surveying career, life in the military, and presidency of George Washington.

The pioneers

Explores the hardships faced by American pioneers, both on the trail and in frontier towns, using a question and answer format.

Don't know much about history

everything you need to know about American history but never learned
Question-and-answer format provides information about American history from exploration of the New World through the present.

The Pilgrims

Questions and answers present information about who the Pilgrims were, how and why they came to America on the Mayflower, and what happened in the colony of New Plymouth.

Don't know much about world myths

Provides information about world myths, in a question and answer format, and includes descriptions of the tales of ancient Greece, Norse mythology, African stories, and the written and oral traditions of the Middle East, Far East, and Mediterranean.

Don't know much about the Civil War

everything you need to know about America's greatest conflict but never learned
Presents an introduction to the Civil War, discussing the people, politics, and key events of the conflict, highlighting the role of African Americans and women, and presenting a number of little-known historical facts.

Don't know much about the Civil War

everything you need to know about America's greatest conflict but never learned
A crash course on the Civil War, discussing the people, politics, and key events of the conflict, highlighting the role of African Americans and women, and presenting a number of little-known historical facts.

Don't know much about mythology

everything you need to know about the greatest stories in human history but never learned
Contains an introduction to world mythology, presented in a question and answer format, and including time lines that cover the development of human culture.

Don't know much about Thomas Jefferson

Tells the life story of the third U.S. president, Thomas Jefferson, describing his years as a statesman, his contributions in the areas of philosophy, science, and architecture, and his little-known interests and hobbies, and includes illustrations, a chronology, and a further reading list.


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