Bertolucci, Cristiano

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Pasado y presente

los animales que poblaron en e?pocas pasadas A?frica, Europa, las islas Hawa?i, Indonesia y Ame?rica del Norte : y los podemos encontrar hoy en di?a
Detailed illustrations depict how animals have changed and adapted over time. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Pasado y presente

Encima y debajo

los animales que viven encima y debajo de la superficie del agua de un gran ri?o, de un estanque, del mar abierto, de una costa ocea?nica, de un bosque de manglares
Describes the characteristics and activities of animals and fish that live along the shores and in the waters of rivers and oceans. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Encima y debajo

Calor y fri?o

los animales que habitan en las regiones ca?lidas y fri?as de la Tierra : en los desiertos, las llanuras, los ri?os, los bosques y las costas
Compares how plants and animals vary when their environments are essentially the same except that one is hot and dry and the other cold, such as a hot river in India versus a cold river in Canada.
Cover image of Calor y fri?o

Animals in hot and cold habitats

Compares how plants and animals vary when their environments are essentially the same except that one is hot and dry and the other cold, such as a hot river in India versus a cold river in Canada.

Animals above and below water

Describes the characteristics and activities of animals and fish that live along the shores and in the waters of rivers and oceans.

Animals by day and night

written by Cristiano Bertolucci and Francesco Milo ; illustrations by Ferruccio Cucchiarini
Compares how animals vary in the same environment when day turns to night, such as the shrikes, locusts, and sand vipers of the North African desert that give way to scorpions, desert hedgehogs, and jerboas at nightfall.
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