Wilder, Laura Ingalls

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Hard Times on the Prairie

From summer floods to winter blizzards, frontier life isn't easy for Laura Ingalls and her family. But with their pioneer spirit, Laura's family always makes it through the hardest times.

My Little House Cookbook

A little house collection

the first five novels
A collection of the first five titles in Laura Ingalls Wilder's series about the pioneer life of the Ingalls family.

Little house farm days

Laura helps out on the family farms in the Big Woods and on the prairie.

A Little house Christmas

A collection of stories which describe the experiences of a pioneer girl and her family as they celebrate various Christmases In the Big Woods in Wisconsin, on the prairie in Indian Territory, and on the banks of Plum Creek.

Santa comes to little house

: from Little house on the prairie
Mr. Edwards helps Laura and her family celebrate a happy Christmas on the prairie.
Cover image of Santa comes to little house

These happy golden years

Laura has her first experiences as a teacher, and is courted by Almanzo Wilder.

The First Four Years

Little Town on the Prairie

Pa's homestead thrives, Laura gets her first job in town, blackbirds eat the corn and oats crops, Mary goes to college, and Laura gets into trouble at school, but becomes a certified school teacher.

Little house in the big woods

A large type edition of the story which tells of a year in the life of two young girls growing up on the Wisconsin frontier, helping their mother, enjoying their father's stories, and sharing special occasions with relatives or neighbors.


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