Wright, Betty Ren

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Too many secrets

Nine-year-old Chad and his friend Jeannie try to discover who is breaking into their neighbor's house, while Chad also deals with his suspicions about why his father has been spending so much time away from home.

The ghost in Room 11

When his family moves to a small town near Milwaukee, Matt's efforts to fit into his new fourth-grade class are complicated by his poor spelling and his encounter with the ghost of one of the school's former teachers.

A ghost in the family

While visiting his friend Jeannie's eccentric Aunt Rosebud in a boarding house that may be haunted, ten-year-old Chad comes across a mystery involving a missing diamond bracelet.

Crandalls' castle

Charli's impulsive uncle, Will Crandall, decides to buy the town's abandoned, possibly haunted castle and fix it up as a bed-and-breakfast, but Charli and Sophia, a clairvoyant orphan who has come to stay with the Crandall family, know his plan is somehow dangerous.

The time machine

A time traveler voyages into the future to find the world has been divided into two races.

The day our TV broke down

When the television breaks down, a cartoon addict discovers he enjoys other activities also.

Getting rid of Katherine

Emily, anxious to spend her summer with her beloved grandfather, is upset and jealous when he marries while on vacation, and immediately begins to plot how to get rid of his new wife.

Christina's ghost

Christina's summer in a spooky, isolated Victorian house with her grumpy uncle turns into a ghostly adventure.

Pet detectives

Policeman Jack's dog Belle and cat Kitty do their bit to fight crime on a daily basis and combine forces to capture a burglar.


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