Provides information about the origins and meaning of Thanksgiving in America, and describes many of the symbols and traditions associated with the holiday, including feasts and parades.
Imagines the perspectives of a fourteen-year-old Wampanoag boy and a six-year-old English boy on the day of the 1621 harvest feast that came to be known as Thanksgiving.
A cumulative rhyme in which an old lady who comes for Thanksgiving swallows her pie before dinner is served, and continues to eat until she has gobbled down the entire feast, pot and all.
Includes questions and answers about the history of Thanksgiving, along with jokes and riddles, a craft activity, and a brief look at other harvest celebrations around the world today.
Recreates the first harvest feast celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621 using the Pilgrim and Indian actors and the seventeenth-century setting of Plimoth Plantation, a living history museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.