Spinelli, Eileen

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Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'

When calamity stalks every step of the preparations for the Tappletons' Thanksgiving dinner, they realize that there is more to Thanksgiving than turkey and trimmings.

Cold snap

A cold snap has everyone in the town of Toby Mills feeling down, until the mayor's wife thinks of a way to warm things up again.

The Dancing Pancake

Eleven-year-old Belinda "Bindi" Winkler and her family find their way through tough times with the love and support of the community that grows around their newly opened restaurant, "The Dancing Pancake.".

Something to tell the grandcows

Hoping to have an adventure to impress her grandcows, Emmadine Cow joins Admiral Richard E. Byrd on his 1933 expedition to the South Pole.

Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch

An anonymous valentine changes the life of the unsociable Mr. Hatch, turning him into a laughing friend who helps and appreciates all his neighbors.

Moe McTooth

an alley cat's tale
When the weather turned cold and snowy, the alley cat Moe McTooth was glad to become an apartment cat, until the return of spring made him long for the outdoors.

Baby loves you so much!

Even though her baby brother annoys her by slobbering on her homework and hitting her on the head with his ball, a big sister realizes that she loves him very much.

Summerhouse time

Eleven-year-old Eileen always looks forward to August when her extended family gathers at the summerhouse for a month at the beach, but this year she is a bit reluctant to leave behind her first crush, and when she arrives she finds reality is not quite as good as her memories. Presented in simple free verse.


A young girl contrasts the exciting things she might someday do, like digging for dinosaur bones and swimming with dolphins, with her present-day activities of finding loose change in the sofa cushions and feeding her goldfish.

Here comes the year

Describes in rhyme the special qualities that characterize each month of the year.


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