Spinelli, Eileen

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Miss Fox's class goes green

The students in Miss Fox's class lead their school in making choices to help keep the planet healthy, such as turning off lights when leaving a room, taking shorter showers, and using cloth bags instead of plastic ones.

Heat wave

Abigail, Ralphie, and the other citizens of Lumberville struggle to endure a week-long heat wave.
Cover image of Heat wave


Still grieving for her father, twelve-year-old Birdie struggles to adjust to many changes, including when her grandmother, her mother, and her best friends all begin dating.

Peace Week in Miss Fox's class

For "Peace Week," the animals in Miss Fox's class find ways to be peaceful instead of squabbling with each other.
Cover image of Peace Week in Miss Fox's class

Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'

When disaster strikes every step of the Tappletons' Thanksgiving dinner preparations, the family realizes that there is more to Thanksgiving than turkey and trimmings.
Cover image of Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'

Kittycat lullaby

Having had a busy day, Kittycat settles down to purr a drowsy purr and go to sleep.
Cover image of Kittycat lullaby


A young girl contrasts the exciting things she might someday do, like digging for dinosaur bones and swimming with dolphins, with her present-day activities of finding loose change in the sofa cushions and feeding her goldfish.


Baby animals

Sophie's Masterpiece

Sophie the spider makes wondrous webs, but the residents of Beekman's Boardinghouse do not appreciate her until at last, old and tired, she weaves her final masterpiece.


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