Froggie Froggette tries to become a bluebird but, after several failed attempts at chirping and flying, decides that she is better off as a frog after all.
Bombolina, a lovely blue hippopotamus, has trouble making friends because of her unusual color, but a yellow fish teaches the animals that it is more important to focus on what they have in common, rather than their differences.
A child, wondering why Grandma doesn't have the grandfather clock in her house repaired, learns that there are many ways to measure time, from the moment it takes to blink an eye to the years shown in gray hairs.
A young Cheyenne Indian boy dreams that he has taken feathers from an eagle in the mountains; he awakes with a desire to hunt for an eagle and take its feathers thinking this would prove his manhood.
Lilly loves everything about school, especially her teacher, but when he asks her to wait a while before showing her new purse, she does something for which she is very sorry later.
Presents Jos? Mart?'s 1889 poem in which a young girl named Pilar, playing on the beach in her finery, comes upon a poor mother and her sickly daughter and gives the child her treasured shoes.
Farmer Federico has no idea that at night while he sleeps all the animals on the farm ask the beautiful moon to turn them into different animals, all except for the proud rooster.