Cunningham, Kevin

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The Comanche

An exploration of the Comanche Indians, discussing their use of horses, work of women, housing, vision quests, and more.

The Inuit

An exploration of the Inuit, discussing their history, dress, survival skills, society, and more.


Discusses the wildfire phenomenon in both history and today's world, the science and the mythology, the causes and possible solutions, and the ways human beings seek to survive, understand, and even profit from these disasters.


An introduction to pandemics that recounts stories of major pandemics throughout history, providing maps, timelines, and photos, describes the impact of pandemics on the human body and on major populations, and explains how pandemics are spread and contained.

The Boston Tea Party

Provides an overview of the Boston Tea Party of 1773, looking at the reasons the colonists were against Great Britain's taxes and how the Tea Party influenced the path to the American Revolution.

Migration from Africa

Provides true accounts of African-American migrants, describing the experiences of children through slavery, emancipation, and migration to the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, and Africa, and examining organizations that offered aid to migrant children.

The Americas before 1492

Discusses the myths we learned about Native Americans, that they lived in widely scattered groups of hunter gatherers and as low level farmers, lacked science and technology and were at best simple people who had no hisotry and never envolved, and at worst bloodthirsty savages. Groundbreaking research is destroying these myths.

Canadian Americans

Provides an overview of the heritage, customs, and beliefs of Canadian immigrants to the United States, discusses the influence of Canadians on America, and examines the accomplishments of some well-known Canadian Americans.


Describes the skills necessary to pursue a career as a teacher; and examines the various types of work they do.


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