Gleason, Carrie

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Guide to sea monsters

Sea monsters, such as the Kraken and the Loch Ness Monster, are cryptids--creatures whose existence is not yet proven to be true. Cryptozoologists gather stories from folklore and investigate reported sightings. In this guide, you'll find fascinating sea monster facts, including where in the world sea monsters are thought to exist, reported sightings, sea monsters in popular culture, and how to spot a lake monster.

Chinese new year

Explores the various traditions associated with Chinese New Year celebrations, describing the food, customs, decorations, and dances Chinese people use to welcome in the new year.
Cover image of Chinese new year

Animal rights activist

Discusses the different between, and definition of, animal rights and animal welfare, covering activists' beliefs that animals should not be kept as property or used for food, clothing, entertainment, or scientific research, and examines topics such as cruelty and factory farming.

The biography of silk

An introduction to silk, a luxury fabric, explaining where it is produced and how it is made, looking at the lives of silkworms, and discussing the ancient tradition of silk in China, as well as its use in Europe and the United States.

Chinese new year

Explores the various traditions associated with Chinese New Year celebrations, describing the food, customs, decorations, and dances Chinese people use to welcome in the new year.

Geothermal energy

using Earth's furnace
Introduces students to geothermal energy, explaining how it is created, why it is a better alternative than fossil fuels, how it can be harnessed, and what the potential benefits are.

Day of the Dead

Explores the various traditions associated with All Soul's Day, describing the food, practices, and costumes used to celebrate.

Henry Hudson

seeking the Northwest Passage
Presents a short children's history of English explorer Henry Hudson, and describes his life and quest to locate the Northwest Passage through the new world.

Everything insects

This book introduces young readers to insects with more than 100 pictures, an explorer's corner with from-the-field anecdotes and tips, fun facts throughout, maps and infographics, an illustrated diagram, a photo gallery, cool comparisons, a behind-the-scenes photograph, an interactive glossary, and more.--.

Everything insects

Photographs and easy-to-follow text introduce students to insects, from beetles to ants to dragonflies, and describes these diverse creatures.


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