Meier, Joanne D

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Happy new year, Herbie Bear!

Herbie Bear is given permission to stay up late to celebrate the New Year, but midnight begins to seem very far away.

Lilly's lost lunch

the sound of L
Lilly misplaces her lunch while getting ready for school, in simple text featuring the "l" sound.

Kella's kitten

the sound of K
Simple text featuring the sound of the consonant "k" describes Kella's new kitten, Kippy.

Gary gets a gift

the sound of hard G
Gavin gives a birthday gift to Gary, in simple text featuring the hard sound of the consonant "g.".

Fun on the playground

Herbie and his classmates find their favorite things to do when they are let outside for recess.

Every drop helps!

Young Herbie Bear learns about the importance of water conservation and shares his knowledge with his classmates when he presents his science project on ways to save water.

Yoshi's yard

the sound of Y
Simple text featuring the sound of the letter Y describes Yoshi and his friend York playing.

It's time to listen

Herbie Bear loves library time, but must sit very quietly in order to hear his favorite stories.


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